Udaya Music is a Kannada television channel that broadcasts different genres of music. Launched as Udaya 2), the music channel is a part of the Sun Network of Tamil Nadu, which is based in Chennai. It is a premium music channel that targets a premium regional audience and has a Huge ROI for advertisers. It was formerly known as ‘Udaya’ before being renamed. manytoons
The channel was launched in 2000 under the name Ushe TV and broadcasts in several nations. It later changed its name to Udaya. It is owned by the Sun Network group. The channel is available in Kannada and is an alternative to other regional entertainment channels. It has a huge manytoon viewership and offers advertisers various benefits and features. It also has various time bands and offers social and digital marketing to advertisers. For more information on the benefits of advertising rexdlcom with the channel, visit their website or call their customer care number.
Big Media Kart is an advertising agency that specializes in Udaya Music TV. They offer various options for promoting your brand or business. They analyze your campaign goals and then come up with innovative ways of advertising. They also provide complete solutions for all media requirements. If you have a budget, Big Media Kart will help you determine the best way to advertise on Udaya TV. The company has been in the media business for over a decade and ha acmarketnet s a proven track record.