Power surges in American households are pretty common nowadays, with hurricanes and storms causing power outages that leave some homes and large areas altogether without any power for more than a couple of days. These power surges can cause an immense amount of damage to your household electronic appliances and devices.
So what really is a power surge? They are unpredictable and uncontrolled surges or ‘spikes’ in voltages, caused by man-made and natural events that may cause instantaneous or gradual damage to any and all electrical devices connected to a power outlet. Does it make more sense as to why your parents start unplugging devices during a storm?
With the increase in climate change, climate disasters might continue to have a significant impact on power outages, and we know what that entails – detrimental damage to electrical devices in almost all American households overtime. Homeowners Insurance used by most American households covers a comparatively small fraction of the damage to the electronics that occur, which is why shifting towards an ‘insurance’ policy of sorts that specifically provides coverage for electrical surges to protect and reduce the amount of monetary damage incurred, is the best viable option.
To help against the high cost, that may otherwise have to be incurred for the repair of damaged electrical appliances, the Electrical Supply Coverage Plan by First Energy Home helps provide reimbursement for the repair or replacement of electrical appliances and devices that are valued at $100 or more.
How to Identify Power Surges
A lot of the times households are likely to have multiple power surges in a single day. It is recommended to identify them and be aware of any changes so as to protect your household from major electrical damage. One sure way of knowing a surge has occurred is a foul odor coming from a power outlet or a device that is plugged in – it’s a clear sign of damage to the device’s circuit board or the wiring. Another tell-tale sign is a sudden influx of electricity, like your fan suddenly becoming faster for a few seconds, or the lights getting brighter. But it usually lasts a few seconds, and that small time frame can be anywhere from minor to majorly damaging.
Power surges usually occur due to an unprecedented break in the flow of electricity, or when an electrical device puts electricity back into the power outlet rather than drawing electricity from it. A lot of devices that are plugged into power outlets have varying voltages, and when these devices are usually plugged in without protection they can trigger a power surge in the outlet that can lead to damage to the appliance.
Common Causes of Power Surges
Appliances or devices that require a large amount of energy such as refrigerators, air conditioners or heaters can usually be the cause of a spike in the voltage when turned on unexpectedly – and can lead to a surge in the main circuit that might end up affecting other electronics around the house as well.
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Some causes of power surges are based on weather changes; during storms friction caused by tree limbs that tend to touch power lines can cause power surges. Storms and hurricanes are some of the major causes of power outbreaks and surges in the United States currently, as large populations of American neighborhoods and cities are affected by it.
Since power outages become inevitable after extreme weather situations like hurricanes and storms, restoration of power after blackouts for hours or days can cause power spikes and surges as the electricity flows right into your home, straight to all the power outlets at once. An easy way to prevent such a thing from happening is by unplugging your devices during the blackout and only plugging them back in one by one once power is fully restored.
Animals getting stuck in electrical equipment like circuit breakers and transformers can also lead to a power surge, which also causes them to unfortunately get electrocuted.
Lightning strikes are another factor to be aware of that may cause power surges due to metal rods in your home that may act as a conductor to lighting. This can be prevented by installing lightning rods to redirect and basically minimize the impact.
Risks of Power Surges
As already explained, power surges can cause huge and sometimes irreparable damage to household appliances and devices, which can render them useless entirely. Additionally, if those devices can be repaired, repeated power surges that may occur can deteriorate the quality of the appliance overtime and quicker.
Sometimes power surges can also be quite deadly, as they might rarely be at the forefront of causing an electrical fire – which is highly dangerous and most likely to cause enough damage to destroy your household entirely.
The reasons above are evidence of the need to have a backup plan that enables users to protect their households in whatever way they can from power surges. And to protect their electrical appliances from being rendered useless or irreparable by buying into a Surge Coverage Plan that saves them from bearing the high costs of the damage, and also entitles them to $6000 annually in protection with no additional costs, no hidden fees or any need for installation necessary, along with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Subscribe to a Surge Coverage Plan today!
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