The user group was the participants of the General Management Programme (GMP) at CEDEP– the European Centre for Executive Development. The objective of the GMP is to groom tomorrow’s top leaders. Participants are executives with 8 to 10 years of management experience and with international and general management responsibilities. Learning focuses on understanding the strategic issues at stake, their business implications and how to optimise policy choices to capitalise business opportunities and meet the needs of various conflicting stakeholders.
After the GMP experience executives should be better able to adapt company strategy, processes and organisational structure to an ambiguous and evolving environment. The GMP is a six week on-site course given over the period of one year in three two-week modules P1, P2 and P3. We deployed our Web2.0 platform during P2. This is because during the six months between P2 and P3 participants are expected to devote some time to group projects while back in the office. Get insightful information on Business Sports Music Games Entertainment Food and Technology. Those blogs provide you with the topic information of the latest news updates.
The 56 GMP participants had prior experience in a wide variety of business domains including change, communication, control, finance, general management, human resources, information technology, legal, logistics, marketing, production/operations, purchasing, quality, R&D, and sales. They were mainly men (80%). They ranged in age from 33 to 55 with an average age of 42. Twenty-two different nationalities were represented albeit with a large French and Belgian contingent (34%).
Participants worked for 21 different companies and were located all over the world. Lessons Learned from Deploying a Video-Based Web 2.0 Platform 197 3 Deployment Design We worked closely with the GMP Director to adapt our Web2.0 platform to the needs of the GMP participants. We called this adaptation GMPTube. Its main learning objective was to stimulate participants to continue cross-company collaborative learning while back in the office between modules P2 and P3.
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For example, by sharing experiences about putting the theory learned at CEDEP into practice, by providing input to one of the group project themes, or by participating in the EagleRacing collaboration simulation [9]. The three channels of GMPTube are: Subjects & Themes (about GMP Courses and Group Project Themes), Experiences (from participants about their experiences putting theory into practice in their companies) and Us (about people).
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We had professors make short videos about their courses for the Subjects & Themes Channel. In addition, we made a short place-holder video about each project theme for the Subjects & Themes Channel. INSEAD researchers and the GMP Director made videos about themselves and their role in the project for the Us Channel.
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